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Connie Kolosey Sympathy November 1, 2011

My thoughts are with you. I did not know your beautiful daughter, but with young adult, vibrant children of my own, I can envision what she meant to you. No words can express the saddness. No words can bring comfort, but still I want you to know that I ache for you and your loss.

Becky Robbins-Penniman From your friends at Good Shepherd November 1, 2011
Dear Dave and Lynn,
The horrible news about Autumn has stunned and shocked your many friends at Good Shepherd.  Each has shared stories and memories of a vibrant, beautiful woman.  Your loss is too profound for words, but know that those who cherish you are surrounding you with prayer, tears and great love.  May God sustain you on this devastating walk through the valley of the shadow of death.
Becky Robbins-Penniman
Rector, Church of the Good Shepherd,
Dunedin, FL

Carly DeZolt Jones very sorry October 31, 2011
Autumn was a distant cousin (our fathers are first cousins) and I only met her once at a family reunion. However, I am very sad over her passing. I just lost my 25 year old brother 4 months ago to a senseless accident as well, and alls I can think about is Autumns parents, brother and the friends who loved her, and Aunt Margaret and Uncle Jerry.  its not been easy.  Just by reading her Facebook page, I see that she brought joy to many peoples lives. Please know you all have family in Alaska praying for you.
Hoda From a mother, to a mother October 31, 2011
 As  I sit here trying to write these words, as a mother, to a mother in this nightmare  in her life, I just cant breath ..... The pain is like a blood preasure cuff around my heart. I walk around trying to do my daily activities and every few minutes that cuff squeezes  my heart, and the pain is so strong and debilitating, I have to stop what ever it is that I am doing, the tears start flowing, and I find my self, praying in silence and saying "Dear God" over and over again.......... I cant seem to say anything else, but Gods name... and as I say his name, I beg him to somehow make some sense of this for you Lynn especially... I plead with him, and then I beg him" please God, dont ever let me live thru this with one of my children".  I know that each mother is saying this same prayer the past two days , and feeling the horrific pain on you'r behalf...  I am pleading with God, to help you every waking minute.. You'r daughter was pure light, her smile  , I would see a block away as she walked past my house, always stopping to say "hello".. This soul, that picked you Lynn to be her mother for 31 years, it is this light, this soul, that I see, and feel, when I am pleading with God on you'r behalf .. Her soul is with you now and forever, know this every day, this is what is going to help you go on... She is going to help you go on... I will pray for you now and forever !
Jennifer and Dennis So sorry October 31, 2011
Shannon Wing I'm so sorry for your loss October 31, 2011
I just want to offer my deepest condolences to all of Autumn's family & friends. She was a friend of my brother's, and he always spoke highly of her. Many prayers for peace & comfort during this most difficult time. 
Joel & Helen Kurtz Smiles and Sorrow October 31, 2011
Lynn and Dave, I cannot think of Autumn without smiling, for she always was doing just that when I saw her.  I cannot imagine the sorrow that fills your hearts now.  Know that our prayers are with you and with Dan as you work through this time of grief.
Brittany Matevish I Love You October 31, 2011

I can't begin to wrap my head around any of this.  I have continuously prayed for an answer since yesterday morning but to no avail.  I hope that God's reasoning someday becomes clear to us.  You were truly the sister I never had and your presence in my life will be irreplaceable.  I am forever grateful for the wisdom, courage, and infectious humor you blessed me with.  My visits with you in Florida and our trip to San Diego are among the best memories I have.  I am so thankful for those times with you and will always hold them close to my heart. 

Cous, David, John, Dan, Lisa, Darrah, Damon, Hannah, and Clint--may God provide you with the strength you need to get through this terrible tragedy.  We have the most beautiful angel looking over us now.

I love you more than you'll ever know, Autumn. 

Always and forever,
Your Little B

P.S. I am going to keep trying to "foot stomp".  Who knows, maybe I'll even meet my husband that way ;) <3
Betty and Dick Fraley friends October 31, 2011
Lynn and David:  There are no words to make the sorrow less.  Such a beautiful and vibrant young person your Autumn was.  We loved her very much and enjoyed being with her so many times.  Her warmth and friendliness made everyone feel good just to be with her.  She was a blessing to all who knew her.  You are both in our prayers.
Nikki Shapiro Deepest Sympathy October 31, 2011
My heart goes out to all who knew this amazing women with so much life...especially to her family, Clint, my sisters and the rest of the 'clam' crew, that were such a great tight knit group of friends. When I think of Autumn, I am and always will be inspired...she had such a great energy that drew you in and energized you!  
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