364442 Criar Memorial
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Brian Kibby
 Never without a smile - never a boring (ever) - cared deeply about others - wanted only good for anyone and everyone around her - a beautiful spirit and soul.

We will all miss you, Autumn.
Adrienne Davison Veltre
Autumn and I were great friends back in our middle school days. We always had so much fun together! She was such a blast to be around, so energetic, lively and always made me laugh. We would hang after school spending time at the park and listening to music. She loved mashed potatoes with tons of Velveeta cheese mixed into them. We would stir up an entire pot and sit around laughing at who-knows-what eating with 2 spoons right out of the pot!
One thing that I always knew about her was she had an amazing heart and her family was the most important thing to her. She loved spending time with her brothers and was protective of them, even though she was the younger one, she was tough!
My heart goes out to her family and friends that are grieving during this truly difficult time. I will be praying for them in the weeks to come and know that Autumn will live on in all of our heart's forever!
Lindsey Nauman
Autumn came into our family at young age.  Even though we did not grow up in the same city, we always maintained that special cousin bond.  One of my favorite memories, which sounds odd at first, was my great Uncle Jimmy's funeral.  He lived a long life and was greatly loved by our family.   Autumn organized us getting to Dunedin. She made it easy for us to travel by arranging rides to and from the airport and by providing places to stay. What I admired most was her choice to celebrate his life, instead of mourning it.  All weekend, the motto was "putting the fun in funeral", and her bright attitude kept the feeling of celebration and love throughout the weekend.  We even stopped to buy 5 hour energy drinks before the ceremony.  Which, anyone who knows Autumn, knows she is the last person to need an extra boost of energy. 

All joking aside, she provided a great environment for memory making.  I still remember that trip and can pull it from my 'memory bank' when I need a good laugh or smile. I cannot help but think Autumn would want us to keep this tradition moving forward.  Every photo of Autumn portrays her bright smile, she lights up the room with energy and whenever I think of her I smile.  You don't always remember what people say, but you do remember how they make you feel.  Autumn always made me feel loved, and I can only hope people will same thing about me.
Sharon Ross
I am Autumn's aunt and live in Portland, OR, so I didn't see her often.  But she seemed to me to be a young woman who had come into her own.  She knew what she wanted and she was going for it! I will remember Autumn as a smiling, outgoing, caring, hard-driving, and energetic woman who packed a lot of living into her 31 years!

"Life is no brief candle to me.  It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got a hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations." 
George Bernard Shaw
 When I heard of this horrific tragedy, I cried so hard, and could not stop crying all day. I only knew you from a hand full of brief conversations we have had when you would work out by my house, always stopped to say hello, and make small conversations, your smile and gentle , genuine soul came thru with every visit. I would tell you how great you look, and you would always return the compliment ,  with    you'r contagious smile and say "ok miss gorgeous"... This is the kind of woman you were.  Always ending the conversation with a positive feel good remark....The thought of the world loosing another angel is to much to comprehend.. The sorrow I feel for your amazing mother, no words can ever express.The pain I feel for your gorgeous girl is to unbearable. I spent the night crying on and off and praying for God to somehow make some sense of this senseless tragedy !!!!!!!!  We have been praying for the well being and healing of you'r brother, and now we are all numb .... May God help this amazing family, may God help you all and bless and heal your hearts.... My love, prayers and deep deep  condolences to each and every one of you.... God Bless

Hoda, Evan, and Rena Boothby 
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