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Leslie McElfresh
My Mom and Autumn's Mom were childhood friends who lived across the street from each other as kids.  Before Dan and Autumn moved to Florida, my family would stop by for a visit around Christmas time or any time we were visiting relatives in the Pittsburgh area.  Going to the "log cabin" was one of the highlights of our youth.  In fact just the other day my sister and I were talking about Over the years Mom and Lynn would exchange christmas letters which gave us a chance to see how everyone was doing and what they were up to.  It wasn't until this past year that Lynn, Dan, Autumn and I reconnected through Facebook.  I loved getting the updates from Autumn about Dan's condition or just her adventures.  Her love for her brother and life was clearly evident in what she wrote.  Just through words you could feel her energy.  We have been deeply saddened by her passing.  She was a vibrant young women who's light was dimmed to soon.   It is my deepest wish that Lynn, Dan, John, Clint and the rest of the Soyka/Lemmon family find peace and comfort in knowing that you are loved my many and that your pain ease with time but that your memories grow stronger each and every day.

Love, Leslie
Leslie McElfresh
Greg Ross
 We will miss her energy, smile and hard work on behalf of kids.
My thoughts and prayers go out to her family and friends and former students and their families - Appreciate Life and Live everyday as if it might be your last through wisdom and Love as Autumn did. 
Kerstin Hern

I met Autumn in 6th grade when I became best friends with her sister, Darrah. I couldn't wait to go over to their house every weekend to sleep over... It was my second home for years. I loved being around their family- their warm loving parents, cool older brothers and amazing friends who were always around because Lynn and Dave were so welcoming. Autumn was always so confident and even walked with an air of strength and beauty- I always remembered that and her amazing smile. Both Autumn and Darrah had huge influences on my life that most definitely shaped who I am today. The music we listened to, going to our first punk shows with their brothers, tomboy shenanigans, and sleepovers staying up late watching movies and laughing, all showed me what genuine, deep, true friendship and sisterhood looks like. These things collectively molded me into being a strong, open-minded young girl and ultimately woman. Throughout the last 15 years or so, I have referenced the Soyka and Lemmon clan as huge parts of the most important time in my life as a young woman. One distinct, fond memory I have is sitting in Autumn's room on a Sunday night with Autumn, Darrah, and Caitlin, listening to the band Concrete Blonde's song, “Joey”, my first time hearing it. Autumn was strumming an acoustic guitar along with the song and I just felt so happy to be there in that moment because I felt I was with my own sisters. Although I have not seen Autumn in several years, she is a huge part of my fondest most influential memories growing up, and I'm sure she is carrying on her warm spirit and deep, strengthening influence in a bigger and better place. When these abhorrent tragedies occur, I feel it's important to look at the greater picture... Maybe she was taken early to be an addition to Dan and the family's guardian angels. She is way too tough to really "leave". Lemmons and Soykas, she will always be with you guys. You'll see! I love your entire family very much… My sincere sympathy, deep love, strength and good energy goes out to all of you.  Love Always, Kerstin.

Beth K
Autumn was the first "book rep" that I met when I began work at Hillsborough Community College in Tampa.  I must say, she set the bar quite high for anyone who came into my office after her!  Our relationship developed over the past three years, enjoying lunches (her eating a salad and me anything fried), swapping stories about how to work out in the gym, and sharing laughs about my daughter Emma, and her little "Hanna".  Autumn knew how to listen.  That's what made her such a great salesperson, and more importantly, friend.  I missed her when she moved, but it was comforting knowing that she was still around and that we could keep in touch.  Now, I will miss her until we can enjoy a salad and a workout in heaven!
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